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Stroke Recovery Care

Comprehensive Approaches for Independence and Long-Term Wellness

North Oaks Rehabilitation Hospital offers specialized care for stroke recovery, focusing on restoring as much independence as possible. Our team of neurologists, therapists and nurses works together to provide comprehensive, patient-centered care.

Early Intervention and Intensive Therapy

We understand the importance of early intervention in stroke recovery. Our intensive therapy programs are designed to maximize recovery potential, incorporating physical, occupational and speech therapy.

Advanced Technologies

Utilizing advanced technologies and therapeutic techniques, we help patients regain motor skills, as well as speech and cognitive functions, impacted by stroke.

Family Involvement and Education

Family involvement is crucial in stroke recovery. We provide education and training for families to understand the recovery process and how to best support their loved ones.

Long-term Support

Recognizing that stroke recovery is a long-term process, we offer ongoing support and resources, including community reintegration programs and stroke support groups.

For more information about North Oaks Rehabilitation Hospital or to Schedule a Tour, please call (985) 542-7777
