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COVID-19 Recovery Program

Personalized Rehabilitation and Ongoing Support for Comprehensive Healing

At North Oaks Rehabilitation Hospital, we offer a specialized program for COVID-19 recovery, addressing the unique challenges faced by those who have endured this illness. Our approach is holistic, catering to the physical, emotional and psychological effects of COVID-19.

Comprehensive Rehabilitation

We provide comprehensive rehabilitation services for patients experiencing post-COVID symptoms, such as respiratory difficulties, fatigue, muscle weakness and cognitive impairments. Our multidisciplinary team includes pulmonologists, physical therapists, occupational therapists and speech-language pathologists.

Personalized Treatment Plans

Each patient's treatment plan is personalized, focusing on improving lung function, strength, endurance and overall functional ability. We utilize evidence-based therapies and exercises to ensure the most effective recovery journey.

Support for Long-term Effects

Understanding that COVID-19 can have long-term effects, we offer continued support and monitoring to address any ongoing or emerging issues, ensuring a holistic and sustained recovery.

Educational Resources and Support Groups

We provide patients and their families with educational resources about COVID-19 and its effects. Our support groups offer a place for sharing experiences and strategies for coping with the illness' aftermath.

For more information about North Oaks Rehabilitation Hospital or to Schedule a Tour, please call (985) 542-7777.
