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Specialized Arthritis Care at North Oaks Rehabilitation Hospital

North Oaks Rehabilitation Hospital provides specialized care for individuals managing arthritis. Our multidisciplinary team, consisting of rheumatologists, physical therapists and occupational therapists, collaborates to create a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to each patient's unique needs.

Managing Pain and Mobility

Our primary focus is to alleviate pain and enhance mobility. Through a combination of medication management, physical therapy and education on joint protection techniques, we empower patients to lead more comfortable and active lives.

Therapeutic Interventions

We offer a range of therapeutic interventions, including hydrotherapy, manual therapy and exercise programs designed to strengthen muscles around the joints, thus reducing the burden on them.

Education and Lifestyle Modification

Patient education is integral to our approach. We provide resources and guidance on lifestyle modifications, dietary changes and ergonomic adjustments to manage arthritis effectively.

Supportive Community

Understanding the challenges of living with arthritis, North Oaks facilitates community resources to connect patients with others sharing similar experiences, fostering a supportive environment for ongoing management and care.

For more information about North Oaks Rehabilitation Hospital or to Schedule a Tour, please call (985) 542-7777.
