On Thursday, August 22, Michelle Civello, Nurse Practitioner with North Oaks Primary Care in Livingston was a guest on “Point of View” on KSLU Radio ...
For 10 years, Maria lived with the fear that the nodule on her thyroid gland could possibly be cancerous. Although her physicians were monitoring the ...
Strokes. Traumatic brain injuries. Motor vehicle accidents. Spinal cord or bone injuries. Amputations. It's impossible to plan ahead for unexpected ...
Check out our Back to School Checklist !
The Department of Laboratories at North Oaks Medical Center recently earned accreditation renewals following on-site surveys from AABB (American ...
This video shows the proper way to perform running drills and other hip opening drills which are important in all athletics.
This segment works on increasing flexibility of the quadriceps, hip flexors and the groin musculature that is especially important with those that ...
This video demonstrates drills to dynamically help improve hip mobility and flexibility using the hurdle as the only sports tool.
This video demonstrates several stretches that emphasize flexibility of the hamstrings, glutes and IT Band for various levels of mobility and skill.
This is a basic, full body, dynamic warm-up that can be applied to all sports and skill levels.
Ear, Nose and Throat Physician D’Antoni “Tony” Dennis, MD, has joined North Oaks Physician Group effective Monday, Aug. 12. Appointments for new ...