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Ethics Hotline for Patient Care

What is the Ethics Hotline for Patient Care?

It is an anonymous way to ask questions or report concerns about ethical treatment or issues related to a patient’s care.

What type of calls are made to the Ethics Hotline

In general, this is often due to differences regarding what is right, good or fair in a specific medical care circumstance. Some examples include:

  • Concerns associated with end-of life treatments (code status, advance directives, withholding or withdrawal of medical interventions)

  • Questions regarding surrogate decision-making

  • Determining appropriate levels of intervention

  • Patient refusal of treatment

  • Real or perceived conflicts among patient, family, physicians or nurses

  • Using controversial treatments

  • Moral distress of patient, family or care providers

Why does North Oaks have this hotline?

It was implemented as an additional tool for employees or family members to report concerns of ethical care involving patients. It is another means of advocating for our patients.

Who can call the Ethics Hotline for Patient Care?

Anyone primarily involved in a patient’s care may call the hotline, including patients, family members, patients’ legal representatives, physicians, nurses, social workers and more.

How is the Ethics Hotline for Patient Care different from the Values Line?

The Values Line (985-230-3333) is a 24-hour hotline for reporting compliance concerns about business practices. The Ethics Hotline for Patient Care focuses on the ethical treatment of patients.

What happens once the Ethics Hotline for Patient Care is contacted?

North Oaks Pastoral Care is contacted and the Hospital Chaplain will evaluate the issue to determine whether it is an ethics concern. If so, the chaplain will confer with the Ethics Advisory Committee Chairman, who considers possible resolutions in a timely and discreet manner. If no resolution is reached, then the issue is presented to the Hospital’s Ethics Committee.

Call (985) 230-4722 or contact Pastoral Care at