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Education for Surgery Patients

Helpful Resources

For information on what to expect when you are having surgery at North Oaks, please request a copy of our Patient Handbook. If you are currently taking medications at home and are scheduled for surgery, please complete a copy of our Inventory of Home Medications and bring the list with you when you come for your procedure. We also encourage you to read the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention’s (CDC) information regarding Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), Surgical Site Infections and Side Effects of Surgical Anesthesia.

As a patient, you can help ensure that your surgery is safe and successful by being an informed and involved member of the care team. Click here to learn about ways to plan for your surgery, what to do before and after, and what to expect regarding special COVID-19 safety procedures (The Joint Commission, Speak Up for Safe Surgery.)

Proper Handwashing

Hand hygiene is one of the most important ways to prevent the spread of infections. Watch this video to see how to properly wash your hands.

CHG Wipes Education

Proper care of your skin before and after surgery is important to your health. Watch this video carefully to learn how to apply the CHG wipes.

Caring For Your Incision

Caring for your incision properly after surgery will help it heal more quickly. Watch this video to learn what steps to take.

Eating Healthy Pre & Post Surgery

Download this Pre & Post-Surgery Nutrition Guide -- nutrition is important when preparing your body for surgery and recovery.

Watch this North Oaks video to see what foods are best because eating healthy after surgery can help you recover faster and feel stronger.
