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Celebrating Black History Month with Jesse Donahue

Celebrating Black History Month with Jesse Donahue

In honor of Black History Month, Jesse Donahue, director of Population Health Quality Payment Programs, reflected on the cultural inspirations and valuable lessons he draws from influential African Americans. 

“Part of honoring Black heritage is being okay with standing out,” he attested.  

Jesse cited the words of the late Maya Angelou, a celebrated Black American author and poet, to highlight that: “If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.” 

Jesse explained that Maya Angelou's wisdom underscores for him the importance of diverse viewpoints and cultural diversity. Her words, coupled with those of Dr. Cornel West, further emphasize the significance of Black history to him.   

“None of us alone can save the nation or the world, but each of us can make a positive difference if we commit ourselves to do so,” Dr. West said. 

Dr. West is an esteemed Black scholar and professor, who teaches courses in philosophy of religion and Black American critical thought, in addition to classical humanity subjects, like cultural theory, literature and music. 

Jesse, who is a big part of our Mobile Care offering, encouraged everyone to draw wisdom and motivation from past and present cultural influencers. 

“Maya Angelou and Dr. West’s words have driven me to be the best version of myself,” Jesse shared.