Attention! New Leaf Psychiatry & Counseling Center Offers ADHD Testing
- Category: In The News
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- Written By: Melanie Lanaux Zaffuto
New Leaf Psychiatry & Counseling Center now offers computer-based T.O.V.A.® testing – in conjunction with medical evaluation – as a means of more accurately diagnosing and treating Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in individuals, ages 18 and older.
T.O.V.A.®, which stands for Tests of Variable Attention, is a Continuous Performance Test (CPT) approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. It is available for a cash price of $200 not billable through insurance and can be scheduled without a provider referral by calling New Leaf Psychiatry & Counseling Center at (985) 230-7495.
Symptoms of ADHD can include: lack of focus or hyperfocus; disorganization; poor time management; forgetfulness; impulsivity; trouble regulating emotion; a negative self-image; lack of motivation; restlessness and anxiety; fatigue; trouble with personal and professional relationships; substance abuse; or neglect of physical health.
New Leaf Psychiatry & Counseling Center providers incorporate T.O.V.A. ® testing into a three-part evaluation process.
First, an in-person psychiatric evaluation of the patient is conducted to develop a more comprehensive picture of academic, social and personal performance areas of impairment to determine if the patient has symptoms consistent with ADHD.
If ADHD is suspected at the conclusion of the psychiatric evaluation, T.O.V.A. ® testing is conducted next to confirm ADHD as an accurate alternative to additional psychological testing. The visually-oriented test measures key components of attention and impulse control by looking at how quickly and accurately the patient responds to auditory and visual stimuli. It takes 15 to 20 minutes to administer and does not contain written or verbal components. Results never expire, which eliminates the need for repeat testing.
Once the computer portion of testing is completed, findings are then reviewed with the patient and with their parent/guardian (if a minor) so that a treatment plan can be formulated to support him or her in reaching their potential.
Patients may choose to have New Leaf Psychiatry & Counseling Center or their personal primary care, mental health or women’s health care provider manage their care.
ADHD affects millions of children and adults nationwide. ADHD is commonly diagnosed in childhood, but some individuals are not diagnosed until adolescence or early adulthood when symptoms begin to cause significant impairment in their activities of daily living.
New Leaf Psychiatry & Counseling Center is a clinic of North Oaks Health System. Providers include: Victor A. Linden, M.D.; and Mental Health Nurse Practitioners Elisa Himel, APRN, APMHNP; and Kevin Mixon, APRN, FPMHNP.
In addition to ADHD, the providers of New Leaf Psychiatry & Counseling Center specialize in treating patients, ages 18 and older, for a variety of mental disorders, including: anxiety, bipolar disorder, dementia-related behaviors, depression, schizophrenia, stress, other psychiatric mental health issues and behaviors related to developmental disabilities.
The center is located in Suite 202 of North Oaks Office Plaza at 15770 Paul Vega, M.D., Drive on the North Oaks Medical Center campus in Hammond. Clinic hours of operation are 8 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays.
To learn more about New Leaf Psychiatry & Counseling Center’s services, call (985) 230-7495.