Dr. Jay Smith Honored as North Oaks Physician of the Year for 2014
- Category: In The News
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- Written By: Melanie Zaffuto
Jay Smith, MD, has received the 2014 North Oaks Health System Physician of the Year
Award for exceptional service to others, leadership, performance excellence
and his dedication to the community.
Smith is North Oaks Medical Center’sEmergency Services Medical Director and a 24-year veteran of the North Oaks Medical Staff.
Nominations praised Dr. Smith’s care and concern for his patients and the respectful working relationship he fosters with the entire hospital staff. Nominations also commended his unwavering focus on providing quality care and his volunteerism at North Oaks Sports Medicinestudent-athlete screening events through the years.
Certified by the American Board of Emergency Medicine, Smith is the department chairman and a past vice chairman for Emergency Services on the hospital’s Medical Executive Committee. He was North Oaks Medical Center’s chief of staff in 1998, and he has contributed as a member of the Emergency Department Steering and Bylaws Committees numerous times during his career.
The Louisiana Hospital Association appointed Smith to the Louisiana Emergency Response Network’s Regional Commission for Region 9. He represents hospital service district facilities and is the commission’s vice chairman. He also has been recognized by New Orleans Magazine as one of Louisiana’s “Top Doctors.”
The Medical Executive Committees of North Oaks Medical Center and North Oaks Rehabilitation Hospital select a Physician of the Year annually based on nominations from North Oaks employees, volunteers and physicians.
For more information about the North Oaks Medical Staff, call the North Oaks Physician Hotline at (985) 230-DOCS (3627). You also may click on "Find A Physician" on the top navigation bar or click here.