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Knowing the Warning Signs of a Heart Attack Saved North Oaks Patient's Life

Knowing the Warning Signs of a Heart Attack Saved North Oaks Patient's Life

I’m Elizabeth, and knowing the warning signs of a heart attack saved my life.

Even though my symptoms didn’t seem severe, I went to the ER at North Oaks Medical Center. Sure enough, I was experiencing a heart attack with 100% blockage. I am so very thankful to the staff and physicians who didn’t waste a single second from the moment I arrived, and quickly performed an angiogramand began treatment. This picture was taken the day I graduated from Cardiac Rehabilitation at North Oaks. This program definitely helped my recovery, and I feel energetic and motivated to continue to exercise. I definitely am a North Oaks success story, and I want to get the message out–don’t ignore the signs of a heart attack!

According to the American Heart Association, you should call 911 immediately if any of the following heart attack warning signs are present:

• chest discomfort

• discomfort in other areas of the body

• shortness of breath

• other symptoms, such as breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or lightheadedness.

For more information about North Oaks Heart Health Services or Cardiac Rehabilitation program, please call (985) 230-5433.