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North Oaks Medical Center Welcomes First Baby of 2013

North Oaks Medical Center Welcomes First Baby of 2013
The staff of North Oaks Medical Center in Hammond welcomed Madyson Sarai Guillard as the first baby born at the hospital in 2013.

Madyson was born to parents Perry and Gabriel Guillard of Hammond on Jan. 1 at 1:13 a.m. She weighed 6 lbs., 6 oz. and measured 19 inches in length.

Sharingin the joy are grandparents Melissa Badon and Norman James of Amite and Jeanetta Moore of Kentwood.

Click here to learn more about North Oaks Women & Children’s Services. You also may call the North Oaks Business Development Department at (985) 230-6647 or (225) 686-4885 for more information.