Update: February 8, 2022
- We have 21 COVID-19 patients hospitalized (down 12 from Feb. 2).
- We have 4 COVID-19 patients on ventilators (same as Feb. 2).
- We have returned 51 employees back to work since last week, leaving 19
out monitoring.
- Chief Medical Officer Robert Peltier, M.D., reports that the Washington
State predictive model was updated on Feb. 4, and all news is good! It
forecasts that Louisiana’s COVID-19 hospitalizations, which currently
stand at 1,500, will decrease to 500 by March 1 and to 250 by April.
In response, President/CEO Michele Sutton announces the following changes:
- Weekly COVID-19 Leadership Calls and related “everyone” emails
will be discontinued after today.
- COVID-19 numbers will be reported in Weekly Vitals on Mondays.
- Effective Wednesday, Feb. 9, we will resume regular visitation for non-COVID-19
patients. (As a reminder, COVID-19 positive patients cannot have visitors
except in cases of end-of-life.)
- A community COVID-19 Update with Dr. Peltier and Johnny Chauvin is planned
for 7:10 a.m. this Thursday, Feb. 10 on Tangi 96.5 FM.
- If you are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19, call Employee Wellness
immediately at (985) 230-SICK [7425] for timely testing and guidance.