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Operation Joint Camp

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Operation Joint Camp

Joint pain is caused by damaged cartilage covering your bones between joints, which is often a result of conditions like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Stretching, exercises and medication, such as anti-inflammatories and over–the–counter pain relievers, may offer relief for a time. But if these treatments lose their effectiveness and you’re suffering from constant pain, have difficulty moving and are unable to participate in activities like walking, bathing and climbing stairs, joint replacement surgery is probably your next step.

Joint replacement surgery involves removing and replacing the damaged or diseased joint with an artificial one.

We understand that joint replacement surgery can be stressful, and Operation Joint Camp will help you navigate through your journey. Operation Joint Camp is designed to fully prepare you and your caregiver for surgery and recovery. You will learn what to expect before, during and after surgery and have a facility tour so you’re familiar with the hospital, the Orthopedic/Neurosurgery Unit and the rehabilitation gym.

Our team of orthopedic surgeons, nurses and physical therapists are extensively trained to help you achieve the best possible outcome after your joint replacement surgery.

Is joint pain keeping you from enjoying life? Make an appointment with our total joint specialists at North Oaks Orthopedic Specialty Center at (985) 230-BONE [2663] in Hammond or (225) 686-4900 in Livingston.